Assisting Rural Health Leaders to Achieve Greatness
20 Habits That Could Be Holding You Back
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Bill Auxier
Success and Leadership in Rural Health

Bill Auxier, Ph.D., is a contributing author to the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Masters of Success, author of the award-winning bestseller, To Lead Follow, and contributing author to his latest book, Healthcare Leadership and Rural Communities.
Bill is the President & CEO of the Center for Rural Health Leadership, responsible for NRHA’s Rural Hospital Certification programs for CEOs, CNOs, CFOs, CMOs, HR Directors, Board Trustees, and a program for rural health nurses. Bill is also the founder of Rural Health Leadership Radio, a 501(c)3 non-profit and podcast.
Bill assists rural health leaders develop and understand their personal definition of leadership for greater personal and organizational success by utilizing what he has learned about leadership in the real world combined with what he has learned about leadership in the academic world.
Bill’s goal is to help rural health leaders become more effective, making the journey to greater leadership effectiveness smoother and quicker than one could achieve on his or her own.
When it comes to rural hospitals, leadership is the biggest predictor of a rural hospital’s success. Leadership makes the difference between a rural hospital closing and a rural hospital thriving.
Bill’s mission is to improve rural America by engaging rural health leaders in conversations for greater learning, greater effectiveness, greater health equity, and greater wellbeing in rural communities.
Coming from humble beginnings, Bill grew up in the rural Midwest, an area of high unemployment and limited economic opportunity. His family didn’t have much by the way of material things, but they had what they needed. Prior to graduating from high school, Bill was able to get a part-time job working at the local hospital as a nurse’s aide. This provided an introduction to the world of healthcare.
Nurse’s aides were assigned to patients and responsible for taking care of their basic needs like helping them out of bed to go to the bathroom, refreshing their bedside water, taking their temperature, etc. Being the only male nurse’s aide, and being in decent physical shape, Bill was often asked to help lift heavy patients, especially when they needed to use a bedpan. Bill literally started his career in healthcare at the bottom, it just happened to be someone else’s bottom! Bill went on to make a career on the industry side of healthcare in medical devices and medical services, working his way up to the C-suite when he was named CEO of a global surgical device manufacturer. Bill worked his way from the bottom to the top!
Simultaneously, while building his career, Bill continued with his education. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in business, he went on to earn a Master of Arts in Communication and a Doctorate in Leadership. The majority of authors or speakers who focus on leadership have real world experience OR they have academic experience. Bill is the rare exception that has both real world experience AND academic experience.
Products and Programs from Bill Auxier

Healthcare Leadership and Rural Communities
Outlining what it takes to manage care in a rural community and providing advice on overcoming the common challenges that healthcare executives confront. Candid insights gained from experience as rural healthcare managers .

Masters of Success
Who has not admired the titans of sport, entertainment, commerce and public service and been inspired to set course by those stars? What hard-working employee has not dreamed of running his own company? W hat can we learn about achieving success from successful people?

To Lead, Follow
Core values provide the philosophical foundation of one's worldview, which is a key component of INTRA-Personal Leadership. In To Lead, Follow, Bill Auxier shares how he examined his core values and lessons learned from his dad while running the Vienna Marathon.

What Rural Health Leaders Are Saying
What Rural Health Leaders are Saying is a summary of episodes from the inaugural year of the Rural Health Leadership Radio™ podcast. What Rural Health Leaders are Saying is filled with ideas and best practices from exceptional rural health leaders for rural health leaders.

What Rural Health Leaders Are Saying (Vol 2)
This book is based on the Rural Health Leadership Radio podcast. This is volume II in the series. This volume was authored by Bill Auxier Ph.D and Sydney Grant MHA and released in November 2021.

Centre for Rural Health Leadership
A collaboration between the National Rural Health Association and the Dynamic Leadership Academy. The Rural Hospital CEO Certification Program is the culmination of efforts from several top performing rural hospital executives, who have a passion for their craft and communities.

Rural Health
Leadership Academy
The Rural Health Leadership Academy (RHLA) is A 10-week combination of self and group learning designed to assist rural health leaders become more effective leaders to improve the viability of rural hospitals, clinics and other organizations focused on rural health and wellbeing.

Rural Health
Management Academy
The Rural Health Management Academy (RHMA) is an 11-week training program that will assist new rural health managers become more effective leaders / managers to improve the viability of rural hospitals, clinics and communities by empowering them to create a culture of health and wellbeing.
Dr. Bill Auxier is a popular keynote speaker on rural health leadership with an engaging delivery. The leadership principles Bill addresses help rural health leaders understand their philosophical foundation of leadership which shapes everything they do as a leader. This provides greater clarity, greater confidence, and greater leadership effectiveness.